What is soap powder, what are its features, what to look for when choosing?
Soap powder is one type of detergent. Such a drug is created on the basis of soap chips. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself.
In this article we will tell you what soap powder is and what its features are, how to make it yourself, which detergents are the most popular and why.
Features of the tool
Before the invention of synthetic laundry detergents, soap was used. Over time, soap mixtures made room for the household chemicals market, but did not completely leave it.
Soap-based powders are green, they are preferred by people who care about their health.
One of the main directions of creating soap powders is the production of baby preparations intended for washing the little things. They are also suitable for people with sensitive skin and allergy sufferers. They are also preferred by those who value the environmental friendliness of the means used.
For washing mixtures, natural soap is selected, crushed into small crumbs. Additionally, a number of components are added to such powders, which serve to maintain the consistency of the product, prevent it from caking, prevent lime deposits from forming on the elements of the washing machine, etc.
Most often, additional ingredients are introduced:
- soda,
- Surfactant,
- natural perfume and other substances.
At the same time, the percentage of soap is usually quite high.
How to choose?
The indication "soap powder" on the package indicates that the product contains soap. Additionally, all ingredients should be listed.
When making a choice, you must take into account a number of requirements:
Natural soap and soda should be the main ingredients of the product.
- The entry of natural ingredients is possible - oils, extracts, etc.
- The powder should not spoil linen, cause coughing, washout of paints.
- A natural remedy should cope well with most contaminants and give a mild disinfectant effect.
- The composition must be hypoallergenic. This should be mentioned on the packaging.
- Anionic surfactants are not desirable in eco-friendly natural soap-based products.
- The product should not foam too much, as this may indicate an additional occurrence of synthetic components.
- There should be no pronounced aroma from the powder itself and from things after washing. A strong strong smell is a sign of the use of a synthetic perfume.
It is important that the packaging is intact, without damage, and contains all the necessary information about the composition and about the manufacturer.
Application rules
The main use of soap powder is hand washing. Suitable for hand soaking and processing... In addition to purchased preparations, you can use a soap powder prepared by yourself.
The product is thoroughly diluted in warm water, and after that, things are immersed in a soapy solution. Also, the soap composition is suitable for prompt washing of dirt right under the tap. If there is no soap powder at hand, then for washing it is possible to use a lumpy baby or laundry soap.
Violation of this rule can lead to unpleasant consequences.from poor rinsing quality to the breakdown of the machine itself.
It is possible to use purchased preparations with a soap base for automatic washing only when the manufacturer himself permits it. Some types of soap powder, for example, require preliminary dilution in water.
Others contain additional components that prevent soap from being deposited on machine elements that come into contact with soapy water.
Top 5 best
Many manufacturers of household chemicals have whole lines of products based on natural soaps.... Among the well-established companies there are many domestic ones.
The world of childhood
Soap powder is made from baby soap. It has a composition that is safe for babies, and is approved for use for the care of a newborn's linen. The product is hypoallergenic, can be used in a washing machine and when washing by hand.
The features of using the tool include the following points:
- poor solubility in water (this is due to the fact that the chips are large enough);
- difficult rinsing;
- it does not always cope with serious dirt (especially with spots uncharacteristic for babies).
Incomplete dissolution of the soap component can lead to the fact that particles of the product will remain not only on things, but also on the parts of the washing machine in contact with soap solution. It is much easier to cope with all the nuances of working with this tool when washing by hand, since a person has the ability to control the quality of dissolving and rinsing out the soap shavings.
Price - about 50 rubles.
Bebiline soap powder is focused on safe use from the very birth of the baby. It is suitable for all types of fabrics and shades of materials, does not contain harmful impurities of aggressive action.
Economical consumption allows less frequent purchase of funds... In addition to soap, it contains:
- Surfactant,
- anti-scale substances,
- oxygen stain remover and other components.
Price: for a large volume of 2,250 kg (50 washes) is from 1000 rubles.
our mother
Soap powder "Nasha Mama" is suitable for all types of washing, hypoallergenic, has a composition quite acceptable for the care of children's clothes.
It includes:
- a mixture of sodium salts of fatty acids,
- glycerol,
- sodium palmitate.
A small amount of titanium dioxide is present as a bleaching agent.
At the same time, it is important that the “Our Mom” powder is properly dissolved, since otherwise it is not only able to remain on things, but can even clog the washing machine.
Price - from 130 rubles.
Umka soap powder is a product of a domestic manufacturer. It contains about 10% natural soap, non-surfactant, fragrance and other additives are also present. Like many other drugs, Umka may not completely dissolve and cannot deal with old stains.
Price: up to 90 rubles.
Chistown Children's
Soap powder TM Chistown is a completely natural detergent. It also contains soda - for high-quality removal of impurities, and citric acid in a small amount. This addition serves to prevent the accumulation of deposits in the washing machine.
Price - about 150 rubles. for 0.6 kg.
You can make your own soap powder. If the product is intended only for hand washing, then the simplest option is suitable - rubbing a lump of laundry (or children's) soap on a grater.
For machine washing, you can prepare the following composition:
- Grate 100 grams of soap.
- Pour 1 glass of hot water into a container with soap.
- Put on fire and, stirring, bring the solution to a homogeneous state.
- Pour 200 grams of soda ash into another container and pour in ½ cup of water.
- Dilute.
- Combine both solutions.
- Mix.
- Cool down.
- Can be poured into a container convenient for use and storage.
To prevent equipment breakdowns, prophylactic cleaning with citric acid or other similar means should be used regularly. For frequent washing with soap, once a week.
So that the use of soap powder does not bring grief, it is advisable to take into account such expert advice:
Soap powder is not a panacea; it may not cope with complex chronic stains.
- Poorly rinsed soap can stain and irritate the skin and respiratory tract.
- For self-production of soap shavings, laundry soap or baby soap is better suited - they have a natural composition and do not contain fragrances.
- Soap powder has an expiration date that must be checked before purchasing.
Find all the most useful and interesting about washing powder in this section of the site.
Soap powder, purchased or made on your own, allows you to wash with a natural detergent quite effectively. This is the best option for caring for things of children, adults with allergies and those with sensitive skin.