Available Methods and Tools for Removing Pet Hair from Carpet

foto5897-1Keeping pets is not only positive emotions, but also additional chores with cleaning.

Wool on the carpet is one such problem, even though your pet is regularly combed out.

The use of special tools and the recommendations of specialists will help to facilitate cleaning. How to remove dog or cat hair from the carpet, we will tell in the article.

How to quickly clean everything: all possible options

No matter how well the pet care is organized, its fur will very often be found on carpets.

Carrying out routine carpet cleaning can improve the situation, but will not completely eliminate the problem.

The following devices are most often used for cleaning:


foto5897-2The use of a vacuum cleaner in a house where there are animals is shown at least once every two days... This will allow most of the wool to be collected before it clogs into the pile of the carpet.

Also, vacuuming is the first stage of cleaning during the general cleaning of carpet.

It is advisable to replace the usual brush head for a vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush... Such a device performs rotational movements, collecting more debris and wool.

Cleaning with this attachment should be done slowly so that as much hair as possible is collected.

Disadvantages of this cleaning:

  • a very intense mechanical effect on the pile, which can accelerate the wear of the carpet;
  • not all hairs are collected from the carpet.
If the composition of the carpet allows the use of a vacuum cleaner, it can also be used to remove wool and to freshen the pile.

How to clean with a broom?

A regular broom can be effective too... It should be slightly moistened before use. This will help to pick up the wool that sticks to the damp broom.

You can supplement the cleaning with a broom with a subsequent vacuum cleaner - this will make the result even better.

Best of all, a wet broom collects wool from long-haired animal breeds from the surface of the carpet. For shorthaired, it is less effective.

Pet brushing gloves

foto5897-3Pet store gloves are great for collecting hairs from the carpet. During cleaning, you must put on a glove and move it over the pile.

As the wool gathers on it, the glove is cleaned. If you don't have gloves for combing out, you can use latex gloves. They are periodically moistened in water and passed over the carpet.


For cleaning you will need brushdesigned for manual cleaning... After soaking in water, the brush is shaken off, and only after that the wool is brushed off. All debris that will stick to the bristles must be periodically removed by hand.

Cleaning in this way is laborious, but very effective, allowing you to collect almost all the wool from the carpet. Cleaning should only be carried out in the direction of the pile.

Sticky roller

The sticky roller can be used to remove animal hair from carpet. When rolling the roller on the pile, debris and hairs stick to its surface.

This method, although it gives an effect, has many disadvantages:

  • high labor intensity - you need to roll the roller several times to achieve the effect;
  • the belt needs to be changed frequently, as debris adhered to the belt reduces the efficiency of the work.

Animal brush

foto5897-4Pet brushes can be used to clean carpet. They are available in different materials and available in different tooth lengths.

You need to work with such a brush in the same way as when combing out a pet - running the work surface along the pile.

Great care must be taken when using a steel slicker, as the carpet can be seriously damaged if the pile clings.

Foam sponge

Using a damp foam sponge, you can clean the wool by rolling it off the pile. It must be moved without effort, in the direction of the pile.

As long as hair is collected on the washcloth, they must be removed. The foam sponge itself should be rinsed in water and wrung out to prevent the carpet from getting too wet.

Similarly, a mop with a foam pad can be applied.... It will be even more convenient to work with it, since the cleaning is carried out while standing. The use of foam rubber is suitable mainly for carpets with a short pile.


foto5897-5The use of duct tape can be a solution to the problem when you need to clean the carpet, but the brush is not at hand.

For work, it is recommended to choose the widest adhesive tape... The sticky surface must be applied to the pile, ensuring that the hairs stick.

This method is very laborious (especially with a large area of ​​carpet), and will not help to remove wool that has gotten deep into the pile.


Coarse to medium grit sandpaper can be used to collect hair and strands. This cleaning method allows the collection of short-haired and long-haired breeds.

But the disadvantage of using sandpaper is very significant - an aggressive mechanical effect on the carpet pile. It is undesirable to use this method, as it leads to damage to the carpet itself.

Scraper for cleaning windows

A plastic scraper with a rubber attachment, which is designed for cleaning windows, can also be used to collect wool. The rubber working part will help to efficiently collect hairs that have become clogged in the carpet pile.

Wet rag

foto5897-6Using a damp cloth is one of the simplest ways to maintain your carpet. A damp cloth picks up hair and wool well.

The surface can be processed in this way manually or with a conventional mop.which should be moved in the direction of the pile.

As debris adheres to the wet cloth, the cloth should be cleaned and rinsed in clean water.

Clothes brush

For an expensive carpet that only requires delicate cleaning, coarse tools should not be used. You can use a brush designed for cleaning clothes: wool coat, etc.

But it will not help to clean long pile and to carry out high-quality cleaning on a large carpet.

Features of cleaning dog and cat hair

Wool from cats and dogs differs in its characteristics. The peculiarity of carpet cleaning depends on what kind of pet lives in the house.

foto5897-7Fur of cats mostly softer than dog... And it is much easier to collect it in any of the following ways.

The hardest thing from a cleaning point of view is collecting the short and coarse hair of the dogs. It is more difficult to assemble with brushes, as it tends to penetrate deeply into the pile.

Besides, any animal hairs on the carpet are held by static electricity, which also complicates cleaning... Persian cats, spaniels and collies have the softest wool, which is easier to collect from the pile of the carpet.


In order for the cleaning of the pet's fur to be carried out efficiently and as quickly as possible, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

  1. Wet cleaning of the carpet should be carried out as delicately as possible so that the pile is not excessively wet. Even with synthetic carpets, care should be taken, and for natural carpets, wet cleaning is completely excluded.
  2. In addition to mechanical treatment, cleaning agents can be used on the surface of the carpet to remove odors and disinfect it. They should not be applied too often, as this will damage the carpet.
  3. During the shedding period, the carpet should be dry cleaned frequently. Optimally - every other day. Otherwise, the hairs will clog deep into the pile, and it will be more difficult to remove them from there.
  4. Careful animal care, including bathing and timely brushing, will help prevent the appearance of wool on the carpet.
  5. If your cat or dog sheds more than usual, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. It may be necessary to change the animal's diet.
  6. Using the litter in your pet's favorite spot will allow most of the fallen hair not to spread throughout the house, but to stay in one place.
  7. If, in addition to wool, there are stains on the carpet, then they must be treated separately.
The longer the pile on the carpet, the more difficult it is to remove hair and wool.

Useful video

How to quickly remove animal hair from the carpet, the video will tell you:


Cleaning the wool from the carpet is a mandatory measure to maintain cleanliness if there are animals in the house. The use of an integrated approach, with the use of special devices, will make it possible to efficiently collect not only wool, but also other debris from the carpet.



