Useful life hacks on how to quickly remove the smell from sneakers at home

foto28922-1An unpleasant smell from sneakers is not a reason to rush to the store for a new pair of shoes.

The first thing to do is to determine the cause of the problem and the scale of the "tragedy" (perhaps the crosses are so worn out that it is really better to replace them with new ones).

But if the goal is to refresh your favorite sneakers, then you should immediately start cleaning using proven improvised or special means.

How to remove the smell from sneakers (with and without washing), we will tell in the article.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor

Provoke an unpleasant smell from sneakers the following factors can:

  1. foto28922-2Increased sweating of the legs (a pathological condition of the body, when the sweat glands are very active in producing sweat).
  2. Poor-quality footwear (dermantin dyed with cheap dyes, upon contact with the skin of the feet, provokes an unpleasant odor, allergic reactions.
  3. Alcohol abuse, smoking, fried spicy food (bad habits disrupt the natural work of the sweat glands)
  4. Lack of maintenance (even the longest and highest quality shoes, in the absence of regular cleaning and ventilation, soaked in sweat, begins to smell unpleasant).
  5. Long-term wear of sneakers in the heat (in the summer season it is better to wear open shoes).

It is important to understand that sweat itself is odorless. Accumulating, the secretions create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria - a source of unpleasant amber.

To wash or not wash your shoes if they stink?

Washing is the fastest way to get rid of bad odors, update the look of sports shoes. Sneakers can be washed by hand or in the washing machine.

Sneakers with decorative embellishments, shoes of dubious quality, and fairly well-worn sneakers are washed with their hands. Textile sneakers and high-quality leatherette shoes can be machine washed.

It is strictly forbidden to wash sneakers made of suede, genuine leather.With prolonged contact with water, such shoes finally lose their appearance.

Read about how to wash fabric sneakers. here... About the possibility of washing suede - here, leather - here.

We erase by hand

So that after washing by hand, sports shoes do not finally lose their appearance, a certain sequence of actions must be followed:

  1. foto28922-3Sneakers brush clean from dust, remove dirt from the sole. Laces and insoles are removed from the sports shoes (these elements are washed separately).
  2. Prepared shoes are lowered into a basin filled with warm (room temperature) water with the addition of a liquid detergent.
  3. The sneakers are gently wiped with a soft sponge or brush. Shoeing starts from the sole, smoothly moving towards the top.
  4. Sports shoes are thoroughly rinsed under running water and put out to dry in a well-ventilated, slightly dark place.

Do not use chlorine, alkaline detergents for washing. Learn how to wash your sneakers by hand this article.

We process in the washing machine

Before placing shoes in the drum of the washing machine, they are cleaned of dust and dirt, the laces and insoles are removed. It is very important to study the manufacturer's labels for prohibitions and care recommendations.

Further, the washing process proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  1. Sneakers are thrown into the washer. In order for the shoes not to beat the drum, they are wrapped in an old sheet, towel or placed in a special bag for washing sneakers... Sports shoes cannot be loaded with clothing items.
  2. Liquid detergent is added to a special compartment (it rinses out better). Set the water temperature to 40 ° C, turn off the spin option, set the short wash mode, press "start".
At the end of the wash, the sneakers are immediately removed from the drum and exposed to dry in a draft, away from direct sunlight or heating appliances.

Learn how to dry your sneakers quickly after washing. here.

Folk recipes

Everyone has it there are many handy tools in the house that you can use to remove unpleasant odors from sneakers.

Activated charcoal if it smells slightly

foto28922-4Activated carbon can eliminate the unpleasant odor from sports shoes.

It is enough to crush 10 tablets of a pharmaceutical product into powder and sprinkle it on the insoles in a thick layer. After six hours, the activated carbon powder is cleaned off with a vacuum cleaner.

Do not expect a long-lasting cleaning effect from activated carbon (the product does not kill bacteria, but only absorbs an unpleasant odor). After five to seven days, the steps will have to be repeated.

Lemon zest

Thinly trimmed, fragrant citrus peels will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant odors from your sneakers.

Algorithm of actions:

  • a thin peel (zest) is cut off with a special knife from lemon, lime or orange;
  • the cut zest is laid out inside the sneakers for at least twelve hours;
  • clean the rind from shoes.

The remnants of unused rind can be saved until the next shoe shine. To do this, thin slices of the peel are dried in the sun and placed in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid.

Bay leaf

The spice bay leaf will not only remove unpleasant odors from your sneakers, but also disinfects the inner surface of the shoe.

It's simple: 2-3 leaves of laurel are crushed into powder, which is laid out on the insole in a thin layer. After a few hours, the seasoning is shaken out.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide removes sweat bacteria, the main source of odor from your sneakers. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad with a pharmaceutical product and wipe the inner surface of the shoe.

Peroxide discolors tissue... Before cleaning, check the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the sneaker. Do not use hydrogen peroxide for dark athletic shoes.

Table vinegar

foto28922-5In order to permanently get rid of the stubborn smell of sweat from sneakers, the inner surface of the shoe is treated with a cotton pad dipped in vinegar.

After that, a little baking soda is poured into the shoes, which neutralizes the "aroma" of vinegar.

Table vinegar cannot be used on dyed shoes, low-quality leatherette sneakers. The result of such cleaning will be permanently damaged shoes.

Rubbing alcohol

It will not only remove unpleasant odors, but also disinfect shoes by treatment with medical alcohol.

Algorithm of actions:

  • alcohol (1 tablespoon) diluted with water (one liter);
  • shoes are immersed in an alcohol solution and left to soak for sixty minutes;
  • sneakers are taken out of the water, exposed to dry in the open air away from direct sunlight.
Sneakers can only be used for their intended purpose after they are thoroughly dry.

Special means

On supermarket shelves, there is a wide range of special products (mainly sprays) for the care of sports shoes. TOP 3 most effective remedies for removing unpleasant odors from sneakers:

Scholl fresh step

Deodorant for shoes... The dual-action formula keeps athletic shoes fresh twenty-four hours a day. Leaves no residue after drying.

Method of application: shake the aerosol can, spray the product on the inner surface of the sneakers, and then expose the shoes to dry. Average cost - 165 rubles. (150 ml can).



Prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria... Possesses disinfectant and antibacterial properties. After application, it leaves a pleasant fresh scent of menthol all day long. Sneakers made of any materials are suitable. The average cost is 900 rubles. (200 ml can).


Aerosol Woly sport Wet & Soft

Excellent care product for sports shoes made of:

  • suede,
  • skin,
  • textiles,
  • synthetics,
  • combined materials.

Keeps sneakers soft, improves hygiene, eliminates and prevents unpleasant odors. Average cost - 155 rubles. (aerosol 250 ml).


Before applying, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions for the use of the selected product.

Features of removing amber depending on the material

In order not to completely spoil the crosses, the method for removing unpleasant odors must be selected taking into account the material for making sports shoes.

So for delicate suede or nubuck, only dry clean... Sneakers are treated with special sprays that disinfect contaminated surfaces.

Sneakers made of genuine leather can be cleaned both with improvised and special compounds. The main thing is to minimize skin contact with water. Alternatively, the sneakers are wiped from the inside with a sponge dipped in soapy water.

Textile sneakers withstand any kind of cleaning (both wet and dry). It is worth starting with the simplest and safest methods (airing, using folk remedies), if necessary (if the first cleaning turned out to be ineffective), applying treatment with special chemical sprays.


Following certain rules will help you forget about the problem forever. bad smell from sneakers:

  1. foto28922-9The feet are washed every day using soap. After water procedures, the skin is treated with a special foot deodorant.
  2. Regular insoles are changed with special antibacterial ones.
  3. Socks are changed every day (and after visiting the gym twice). It is important to choose socks by size, pay attention to the composition of the product (there is absolutely no synthetics).
  4. In a situation when the sneakers get wet, they must be removed immediately and thoroughly dried. You cannot walk in wet shoes.
  5. Every day, sports shoes are ventilated, if necessary, treated with shoe deodorant at night.

Regular shoe care and foot hygiene is a guarantee of long-term use of sneakers without unpleasant odors.


A few tips will help you solve the problem faster smelly sneakers:

  1. The washing process of the sneaker eliminates the soaking step. Prolonged contact with water and detergents negatively affects the strength of the adhesive layer.
  2. Steam will quickly get rid of unpleasant odors from your sneakers. Heat kills 99% of bacteria and fungi, the main source of the stench.
  3. The use of special deodorizing insoles (inserts made of cedar wood, bamboo) prevent the appearance of unpleasant amber from the sneakers.
  4. A few tea bags (can be used) left in crosses overnight will relieve unpleasant odors.
When tackling the problem of unpleasant odors, it must be remembered that any (especially new) product requires testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​the lining or insoles of sports shoes.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

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8 life hacks to eliminate the smell from sneakers - in the video:


A timely response to the problem of unpleasant odor, the use of only proven methods and means will help you refresh your favorite sneakers as quickly as possible.



