Tips from experienced car owners on how to get gum out of the car seat

foto22041-1Chewing gum sticking to a car seat is a nuisance that can happen to anyone. However, don't be upset.

There are several simple ways to fix the problem. It is enough to choose the most suitable one depending on the conditions and upholstery material.

This article will show you how to remove gum from a car seat and not damage the upholstery.

How to scrub gum off your car upholstery?

Existing ways to remove gum from a car seat are available to everyone. Initially, it is recommended to choose the most gentle, only if there is no result, use special means. Let's consider the best options.


foto22041-2Mainly used to eliminate small contamination... Advantage - Suitable for all types of upholstery.

In the case of a car seat, take a large piece of ice, place it in a plastic bag, and place it on the gum.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes... Ice that has melted from time to time should be replaced with a new one. Once the gum has hardened, it should be scraped off with a dull knife or stiff brush.

Then you need to treat the area with detergent. You can also use cold water or special products for freezing. It all depends directly on the place of pollution.


The method requires caution and is recommended for heat-resistant materials. There are two options - slowly pour boiling water over the contaminated area or use a hairdryer at the maximum temperature. After 5 minutes, the chewing gum should be scraped off mechanically using available means.

Oil use

Peanut, olive, orange and sunflower are effective... Care should be taken to avoid unwanted stains on an uncontaminated area.

It is necessary to act directly on the gum itself by means of a cotton swab dipped in oil or a piece of cloth. The procedure takes about 2-3 minutes.

After softening, the chewing gum is removed with a knife or stiff brush. It is recommended to thoroughly rinse the remaining dirt with a cleaning agent.

Applying vinegar

foto22041-3Suitable for most fabrics, except delicate ones. It is important to remember that the vinegar must be heated well beforehand.

This can be done in a water bath or on a stove. Then it is necessary to dip a brush into a container with a solution and treat the place of contamination.

The procedure lasts until the sticky mass disappears from the car seat. Finally, it is recommended to wash the area with soapy water.

By means of a steam generator

This equipment is unique, it allows you to cope with many types of pollution. Car seat chewing gum is no exception.

Under the influence of steam, the sticky mass softens quickly enough, then removed mechanically. The only limitation is material with unstable coloration.

Special means

If the use of improvised means did not work, you should use special means. There are enough of them.

When choosing a tool for removing gum from a car seat, it is recommended to first assess the scale of the problem. How large the area is soiled, how long has it been on the seat.

After that, you should read the instructions for using several tools, read the reviews of real consumers. It is also necessary to consider the material and quality of the upholstery..

According to customer reviews, there are three most effective and versatile tools for removing chewing gum from a car seat:

Gumex Spray PramolAerosol, volume 0.5 l, shelf life - 2 years, made in Switzerlandcools the surface down to -45ºC. It is applied using a spray can. Then the gum is removed mechanically.≈ 980 rubles
Rapido Chewing Gum RemoverSoftens and dissolves gum, volume - 0.5 l, made in GermanyPreviously, the gum is removed mechanically, then the product is applied to the remains with a cloth. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes. After that, the dirt is removed with a clean cloth.≈ 1250 rubles
Himitec Antisticker-aerosolGel-like product, suitable for all surfaces, does not contain dyes, volume - 0.4 l. Made in RussiaShake the can vigorously beforehand. Then the product is applied to the gum. The exposure time is 20-30 minutes. Then the sticky dirt is removed mechanically.≈ 370 rubles

It is necessary to use funds according to the instructions. To avoid troubles, it is recommended to first test on a hidden area of ​​the upholstery. Only after making sure that there is no damage, you can process the contaminated surface.

Removal features depending on the material

When choosing a method and means for removing gum from a car seat, it is recommended to take into account what the upholstery is made of. The most common are:

  1. foto22041-4The cloth. For textile surfaces it is recommended to use the freezing method using a cooling spray.

    After aerosol application, the chewing gum hardens for 10-15 minutes, then is removed with a scraper.

    Residues can be removed with a regular eraser. Then it is advisable to rinse the entire seat with soapy water to avoid stains.

  2. Velours. Quite a capricious and delicate material. In order not to damage the texture, heat the gum and gradually remove it with progressive movements from bottom to top. After removing the dirt, it is recommended to treat the seat with warm water and soap. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the material with damp microfiber in one direction.
  3. Leather. It is recommended to remove the gum as soon as possible after it appears on the car seat. This greatly improves the chances of eliminating contamination without leaving a trace. Next, freeze the gum with ice or a special tool and cut it off with a blunt knife with extreme caution.

    After that, treat the surface with soapy water using a lint-free cloth until the residues of the sticky mass are completely removed.To restore your seat to its original appearance, you can wipe it down with conditioner or leather polish. Read more about removing gum from leather surfaces. here.

In order to select the most suitable cleaning option for a specific material, it is recommended to pre-test a small area.

What should i avoid?

In order to effectively remove the gum from the car seat without damaging the upholstery, it is enough to observe the recommended caution:

  1. Do not use the mechanical method before exposing the sticky mass to freezing, heating or a special agent. In this situation, part of the upholstery can be removed along with the chewing gum. The seat will be ruined.
  2. The use of aggressive agents is strictly prohibited. The seat material can be damaged by rough cleaning. Or, after removing the gum, a stain will remain.
  3. Chewing gum must not be wetted before freezing.

Find the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.

Related videos

How to remove chewing gum from a car seat is shown in the video:


Whichever method is chosen, the main thing is to remember its essence... Freezing helps turn the gum into a brittle mass. Therefore, it must be rubbed thoroughly and each piece removed carefully.

Heating the gum melts, making it pliable. It is necessary to slowly, gradually remove the mass from the contaminated area.

Special remedies work in different ways. This means that you must first carefully read the instructions.



